free stuff
I use a lot of resources throughout the website. This page lists them incl. downloads, people I follow or tools I use.
I am not getting any compensation from those resources!
you can download and use the following stuff for your personal use. It would be nice if you mention my name somehow.
Presentation the Fast Way
G-Drive Access Levels
Eisenhower Matrix
these people helped me a lot with this website and everything that is related to it.
If you ever see this guys: Thank you!
I don’t get any compensation for the links that follow!
the stuff is not for free, however, my recommendation is.
these things help me to get my stuff done!
if you have the same limited space like me @ home, use these guys to use the door for your flipchart:
technical stuff I’m using
Microphone: Razor Seiren X
Mouse: Logitech MX Vertical
Keyboards (yes, it’s more than one)! Windows: Microsoft Sculpt | iPad OS: logi MX Mechanical Mini